There's a financial tussle involving a condo association in St Henri, the Southwest borough and the city of Montreal.
It's over cracks in the foundation of a building an the corner of Chemin de la Côte-Saint-Paul and Notre-Dame Street.
The association says it received a letter threatening fines up to $2,000 over damage caused by area construction.
A borough spokesperson is reported saying Montreal Public Works did the sidewalk work, not the borough, that it 's connected to nearby Turcot interchange reconstruction.
The central city confirms it does that kind of work.
Sabrina Rapone, president of the Notre Dame Condo Association, contacted the media.
"I did email CJAD because I know, I know these type of issues. It's gonna be very, very difficult and I wanted some assistance from the media, so I sent out those notices", said Rapone, who added she won't let go until the city pays.
There's word a city of Montreal official will be sent on location to assess the situation.