Ladyfest has one rule: no jerks. The annual celebration of female comics, and people who support them, has an expanded lineup for its third edition. On Friday, catch an ensemble show at Montreal Improv that celebrates female comics from diverse backgrounds: Colour Outside the Lines and will feature improvised storytline about family, moving and tradition. Also on Friday: The Crimson Wave, a Toronto-based show and podcast that explores menstruation. It's at Theatre Ste-Catherine. On Sunday, I will be at that same venue, moderating a panel about the business of being a woman in comedy. Say hi! Full program and info here.
Oumf is the back-to-school festival held in the downtown pocket around St Denis and Berri. There are live oudoor acts, including Friday's star lineup: DJ Yella of NWA fame, DJ Windows 98 (aka Win Butler of Arcade Fire) and local female hip-hop collective Bad Nylon. The activities are also plentiful: check out the outdoor paint-by-number booth, art truck, urban mini putt, and a quidditch match Saturday at noon.
The Plateau is busy as ever: you can sip a beer outdoors, grab a snack or new threads at BLVD, the fall St Laurent street fair on St Laurent. There will be a musical picnic area at Parc des Amériques, and a kid's zone at Parc du Portugal. or check out the travelling city-sponsored circus show, La Grande tournée, which takes over Lafontaine Park all weekend with Cirque Eloize, movie screenings, art in local windows and more.
The 18th Ukrainian Festival takes over Parc Beaubien in Rosemont Friday to Sunday. There will be perogies, beer and performances of traditional Ukrianian dance and music! Saturday will feature a fashion show with creations from Ukraine, and on Sunday, musicians Vasyl Popadiuk and the Papa Duke Band return for the grand finale.
Theatre season is slowly starting up, but there are two gems to check out: '60s hippie rock musical Hair continues at MainLine Theatre. (I loved the energy last week.) And a puppet-live action show about rebel Métis leader Louis Riel is being remounted at the Hudson Village Theatre until Sunday: Puppeteer Zack Fraser directs the META award-winning Louis Riel: A Comic-Strip Biography, plucking the 2-D puppet aesthetic from the pages of Chester Brown's graphic novel about Riel's exploits.
Ancient Future Festival is going down at the Clock Tower in the Old Port. I mention this because it’s relatively new, and also because it has a bit of an obtuse tag line: The festival is meant to be a way of assessing tomorrow’s society through the creation of a utopian space, on the border between the values of the past and our future desires. A bit confusing... but I'm interested. So what's involved? Ancient Future oganizers promise circus and visual arts, music by the likes of DJ Hudson Mohawke and Maky Lavender, plus live bodypainting and workshops.
Horror fans will descend upon Hotel Ruby Foo's for Monstreal Horror-Thon Part II, a fan convention for anyone who loves goth, steam punk, punk and classic horror. 'There will be blood!'
The Annual Dragon Boat Race is Saturday at Promenade Père-Marquette in Lachine, raising money for the great cause at Cedars CanSupport.
Celebrate everything Aussie with Down Under Burlesque, Friday night at the Wiggle Room. Featuring an homage to Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (one of my movie faves) and featuring Saint Stella, Honey Lustre and stage kitten David Tassle-off.