Canada will introduce new legislation this spring that will address the problem of travellers being bumped from flights.
Yesterday's announcement came during a social media frenzy over a man being dragged off a United Airlines light in Chicago because he refused to be bumped.
The man is seen in a video screaming as passengers question why he is being treated like that.
A spokesman for Transport Minister Marc Garneau says bumping rules will be included in an air passenger bill of rights that was promised last fall.
It is aimed at crafting clear, minimum requirements for compensation when flights are oversold or luggage lost.
Marc Roy declined, however, to say if the legislation would set industry-wide standards or raise compensation to levels offered in the United States or Europe.
Garneau would not comment directly on the incident aboard a United Airlines flight Sunday.
Passenger rights advocate Gabor Lukacs said the "troubling" video highlights the need for greater consumer protection.