Seems there's a battle brewing between landlords and tenants over the impending legalization of marijuana in Canada.
The new law would give Canadians the right to grow pot in their own homes, in limited amounts.
Hans Brouillette, a spokesperson for Quebec Landlords Association, says it would be virtually impossible to control the use and the production of pot inside of rental units.
"The large majority of property owners don’t believe that the police will be able to enforce the regulations (limiting Canadians to) four plants and a height of 100 centimetres," he said. "We understand the government wants to legalize but there are other things that can be done. For instance, it would be possible to buy marijuana in legal stores. Why should tenants have the right to grow marijuana at home? It doesn’t make sense."
Growing pot in apartments, meantime, could potentially pose other problems — pot requires humidity to grow properly, and that could lead to higher electrical bills, and even mold problems.
Brouillette also raises the possibility of some tenants complaining about pot smoke seeping into their units, as some do with cigarette smoke.
Tenants rights groups, meantime, continue to insist whatever they do inside their own apartments is their business, and not the business of landlords.