Bixi's 10th season starts today and they're boasting about the great season they had last year and offering up some goodies for you.
The number of Bixi trips went up from 4.1 million in 2016 to 4.8 million trips last year.
For Bixi's 10th birthday this year, the popular ride sharing service is offering its customers some presents.
They include a new $2.00 reduced fareĀ for trips of 30 minutes or less for students and seniors 65 and older.
There's a new 10 ticket ride pass for $25.00 dollars.
Starting this year, they're studying electric bicycles and testing out a tricycle system to move Bixis around instead of trucks.
Bixi also has 2 new sponsors; cellphone provider Fido and the online store for glasses, Clearly.