Quebec's latest politician goes by the nickname Rambo, loves to liberally sprinkle his comments with swear words, and is not ruling out civil war in the province.
Meet Bernard Gauthier.
The colourful trade unionist teed off on Quebec's major political parties Tuesday as he announced plans for his populist Citoyens au pouvoir du Quebec to field candidates in all 125 ridings in the 2018 general election.
Gauthier, 51, an avowed sovereigntist, took particular aim at Premier Philippe Couillard's governing Liberals and said Quebecers could resort to violence if nothing changes.
"They just have to leave the Liberals in power and it won't be long after that," he told a news conference in Quebec City.
Gauthier, a high-profile construction official, went so far as to brandish the possibility of civil war.
"Things could get that far (because people) are beyond exasperation."
The barrel-chested Gauthier frequently intersperses his comments with swear words, but says such language can be useful in politics.
"People notice it when you throw out a good little curse -- it gets attention," he said.
Guthier was convicted in 2014 of intimidating an entrepreneur during a strike in the construction industry on the province's North Shore. A judge concluded the man had grounds to fear for his safety after Gauthier paid him a visit.
He was eventually granted a conditional discharge, a sentence that allowed him to avoid jail time.
Gauthier's name previously surfaced during Quebec's inquiry into construction corruption as the commission heard about threats and extortion on the North Shore.