Police officers who don't want to give tickets can go do something else.
Chief of Police Philippe Pichet made the statement during a meeting with high-ranking staff members, which was recorded, without his knowledge.
The audio, obtained by TVA, has Pichet addressing the controversial issue, while denouncing the fact parts of the program had been leaked to the media, including a bonus structure for senior officers based on how many tickets the officers they supervise hand out.
The bonus system did not sit well with the Police Brotherhood, with union president Yves Francoeur calling the practice indecent and unethical.
During the meeting Pichet was firm, ticket quotas are a priority and bonuses are here to stay.
Previously leaked documents showed that the force was given an annual target of nearly 717,000 fines for 2016.
During its latest budget projections, the city estimated it would lose $19 million because of fewer parking and traffic tickets being handed out.