By now you've heard the story of Taoufik Moalla, the '90s kid at heart who was handed a $149 ticket by cops in St. Laurent for singing the 1991 dance club hit "Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now)" at the top of his lungs.
The story broke this past weekend, but the incident actually happened a few weeks ago. On the evening of Sept, 27, along Ste. Croix Ave. in St. Laurent, police noticed him singing along to the song (featuring the well-known refrain 'everybody dance now!', which is arguably meant to be shouted), and pulled him over. The ticket was for screaming in public.
The story quickly made headlines around the world, and didn't escape the notice of the music legend who sang the original song.
"I was checking an email from my manager, James Washington, and I received another one from my lead know...'have you seen this?'", singer Martha Wash told CJAD 800's Leslie Roberts on Thursday. "I read it, and I started laughing, and I said 'you have really got to be kidding me!'"
She then heard a tape of Moalla singing his version of the chorus.
"Is that all?', she snapped. "They gave him a ticket for that?"
Moalla, a 38-year-old father of two, says he plans to contest the ticket, but he won't get a court date for another six months. Since the news broke, he says he's been bombarded with interview requests.
Wash — the instantly recognizable voice behind classics such as "Everybody Everybody" and "It's Raining Men" — is currently working on some new music with a pair of Montreal producers. Her new album will be released next year.