Montreal Police had initially said 17 year old Darius Brown died from a fall that occurred after attempting to rob a 19 year old woman after he was found dead in a Cote-St-Luc apartment building in November 2016. But an autopsy later revealed Brown had been stabbed in the back, which led to his death.
Police allege the witness gave false statements about what took place the night Brown died. Video surveillance also shows Brown interacting with another young man shortly before the incident. That man is now a suspect, and faces second degree murder charges.
Darius' mother Roxanne tells CTV she had felt failed by the system, but the new charges come as a relief. She says she can finally stop checking in with investigators about the progress made with the witness.
But despite the fact her son's case is slowly moving forward, Brown also says that the family is still in the early stages of healing. She says the feeling of disappointment and being discouraged still lingers. Brown also feels the issue lay in the "injustice" done by police when they first came to the conclusion that her son was at fault.
Preliminary hearings for the accused are expected to begin at the end of November.