About 40 members and supporters of the Association of Pedestrians and Cyclists of the Jacques Cartier Bridge held a protest at the base of the bridge Saturday morning.
For some time, the group has been applying pressure to obtain year-round access to the multi-purpose pathway on the superstructure.
Association spokesperson Mike Muchnik said the corporation responsible for the bridge undertook snow clearing tests earlier this week, but wouldn't let his group help in the testing.
"For example, they cleared the snow on Wednesday and there were no cyclists 'officially' to test it," said Muchnik. "We wanted to particpate in the tests so there could be actual imperical observations made and that was refused to us."
A December 10 news release from the Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Incorporated (JCCBI) advised pedestrians and cyclists the multipurpose path and sidewalk on the Jacques Cartier Bridge are closed for the winter, adding the Corporation is "sensitive to the increasing demand for a safe year-round corridor for active transportation between Longueuil and Montreal."
The Association of Pedestrians and Cyclists of the Jacques Cartier Bridge said there are at least fifty cyclists, pedestrians and joggers who regularly make use of the Jacques Cartier bridge pathway during the winter, despite it being closed. Cyclists and others simply hop over a relatively short fence to go ahead with their commute.
The Corporation also noted the path that the association wants opened doesn't have a protective surface, it is impossible to spread deicing salts on it without harming the bridge structure.
JCCBI will also analyze the effectiveness and impact of conventional snow removal equipment that is better suited to the path’s conditions.
The association was apparently contacted by a couple of the City's new Executive Committee members and was told that access for pedestrians and cyclists is being examined.
"The opening of the path is one of the 'priority issues' that they have and so they they will also be putting pressure on the Bridge corporation," said Muchnik.
The multipurpose path and sidewalk is also be closed this winter for work to replace guard rails and safety fencing. In its release, the Corporation explained that the work involves the temporary removal of some guard rail sections the path must be completely closed to ensure worker and user safety.