There's going to be a lot of noise in some areas of Montreal today, but don't worry, it's only a test.
The Emergency Preparedness Centre and nine industrial plants will be testing the alarm signals in place to notify the public should there ever be a toxic chemical spill.
The plants taking part are:
Pêcheries Atlantiques – Division Metro Richelieu inc. at 3785 François-Bricault St.
Boeuf Mérite – Division Metro Richelieu inc. at 11 701 Albert-Hudon Blvd.
Entreprise Indorama PTA Montréal S.E.C. (IVPTA) at 10 200 Sherbrooke St. East
Suncor refinery at 11 450 Cherrier St.
Molson Coors at 1550 Notre-Dame St. East
Labatt Brewery at 50 Labatt St.
Saputo at 2365 Côte-de-Liesse Rd.
Saputo at 7750 Pascal-Gagnon St.
Parmalat Canada Inc. 7470 Saint-Jacques St. West
Alarms will sound between 2:00 P.M. and 2:30 P.M. and will last three minutes. Only residents the city believes could be at risk should there ever be a toxic chemical spill will hear the sirens.
Should such an emergency ever occur, the city recommends you stay indoors, seal doors and windows, shut off ventilation systems, monitor the radio and keep phones free in case emergency workers need to call.