Merriam-Webster has revealed "feminism" as its word of the year for 2017.
Company lexicographer and editor at large, Peter Sokolowski, says the word hung in the air throughout the year. It saw a 70 per cent increase in lookups over 2016 on and experienced a major spike around the Women's March in January. Kellyanne Conway's "I am not a feminist" remarks at the Conservative Political Action Committee gave the word another push. So did the takedown of Harvey Weinstein.
Merriam-Webster's decision follows's word of the year designation of "complicit," a word that made the Merriam-Webster short list.
Other runners-up: recuse, empathy, dotard, syzygy, gyro, federalism, hurricane and gaffe.
Wondering about gaffe? It was a go-to for the media after the wrong best picture winner was announced at the Academy Awards.