Parents of a Macdonald High School student say two years after promises were made to ensure French Immersion classes are actually being taught in French, they are hearing once again from their son entire courses are being taught in English.
"My assumption is if something is presented with a French title, I think it's going to be taught in French," said mother Carmen Fabio.
It all started two years ago.
"When our middle son told us in August of 2014 that the entire Ethics and Religious Culture course had been taught in English I was flabbergasted," said Fabio.
A commissioner report looked into the matter, and "promised that future teacher assignments would insure the appropriate level of French instruction in immersion classes."
Yet their son, now in grade 11, says he is once again having his ECR class taught in English this year.
The school maintains the ECR course is taught in French with the occasional guest speaker in English and an official with the Lester B. Pearson School Board says Macdonald High is meeting the requirements for French Immersion: 2.5 hours of class per week.
Fabio and Martin Rolof say the school should increase the use of French in the immersion program, so other students aren't put at the same disadvantage as their son—or are pulled from English schools altogether for better French education.
"I do want to support the English school system, but I also don't want to leave Quebec," said Fabio.
Fabio and Roloff say that is unacceptable.
The English Montreal School Board, the other anglo board for the Montreal area, estimates 14,000 students end up in the French school system even though they are eligible to attend an English school.
—with files from CTV Montreal Reporter Aphrodite Salas