Kahnawake is planning on concrete actions next month to get mixed couples out of the Mohawk community, after sending new eviction letters in February reinforcing the community's law forbidding mixed couples living there.
One prominent resident is now eligible to receive those letters and is already planning a partial move.
"This stance is wrong, this law is wrong, this position you take to legislate love and tell people how to live is wrong," said Tracey Deer, a filmmaker and the creator of the TV show Mohawk Girls.
Deer told CJAD 800 News that since she got married to a non-Mohawk man last fall, the issue now hits home after speaking out against the law in the past.
Joe Delaronde, spokesman for the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake said the new eviction letters are clear.
"We sent the letters as part of an ongoing, longstanding process that the community has asked council to do which is to remind people that there is a law and they should be respecting that law," said Delaronde.
The letters mention a so-called action step as of May 1.
Deer said hopefully by then, she and her family will be in their new home off the territory where they'll be spending half their time, the other half at her Kahnawake house.
"I'm certainly not complying with the law. That is not why I'm doing it," said Deer.
"I'm doing it for the peace of mind and the health and well being of my family."