Patients in hospitals not only have to deal with their ailments and illnesses but now many are dealing with the heatwave.
Isabelle did not want to give her real name to protect her dad who is a patient at Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital where conditions, she said, are stifling.
"You cannot breathe. The air is very heavy," she said in an interview with CJAD 800.
And despite nurses doing whatever they can to cool patients down in the rooms that are not air-conditioned,
"When there's no air exchange, there's no air exchange," said Isabelle.
"My concern is as it's getting warmer during the week, it's going to explode at one point, it's just so hot in there. So what are they going to do to cool off these rooms, I don't know."
The regional health authority in charge of the hospital said in a statement that their plan in place since the weekend includes putting out fans and handing out water, ice and cool facecloths.
Isabelle said fans that are there are just pushing hot air around. She said she takes her father to air conditioned common areas but she's concerned about what happens when she's not there.
A listener to CJAD 800 called to say that their family member at the LaSalle Hospital CHSLD is experiencing similar conditions.
The regional health authority for the institution said in a statement that they are taking all the measures they can to make patients as comfortable as possible: patients are taken regularly to air-conditioned common ares and hydrated on a regular basis.
Isabelle said there should be industrial fans to cool the patient rooms and a protocol for things such as keeping blinds closed and patients out of the hot sun.
"I understand about hospitals being old," said Isabelle.
"I cannot believe there is no solution."