Groups that help victims of sexual violence have banded together to encourage anyone needing assistance to seek their services that are offered free and confidentially.
The Crime Victims Assistance Centre in Montreal alone has seen the number of calls for help jump by 50 a day for a total of 120 calls a day.
This all comes in the wake of allegations of sexual assault and sexual misconduct involving high profile Quebec personalities.
Among the services available:
" Montreal Sexual Assault Centre
" CALACS (Centres to fight sexual assault)
" Criphase (Resource and intervention centre to help men sexually abused as children)
" IVAC (Compensation for victims of crime)
" Help and Information Centre on Sexual Assault in the Workplace (GAIHST)
There is also a provincial bilingual 24/7 hotline to help victims of sexual assault: 1-888-933-9007 or 514-933-9007 in the Montreal area.
RELATED: More than 300 calls placed with Montreal police sexual crimes tipline