Denis Coderre and Valerie Plante spent Saturday drumming up support ahead of next Sunday's municipal election.
Plante spent her day going door to door in Villeray-Saint-Michel-Park Extension as well as visiting neighbourhood businesses. The Projet Montreal leader tells the Montreal Gazette she feels her party's campaign is sticking with many Montrealers, pointing to recent polls that show her and Coderre neck and neck.
Meanwhile, the mayor was also out and about Saturday, attending mass at several churches in Ahuntsic. He also made an appearance on Radio-Canada's La Soiree est encore jeune, where he again spoke of how his adminstration has done much in the past four years and still has more work to do.
Both candidates are expected to be out again Sunday as advanced polling opens at noon and closes at 8 PM.
If you'd like to participate in advanced polling, check your reminder card that was sent to you in the mail for the location and operating hours of your polling station. You'll need to bring your reminder card as well as a piece of identification, which includes a driver's license, medicare card, a Canadian passport, a certificate of Indian status, or a Canadian Armed Forces identification card. You can also vote at the election office of the returning officer in your borough.
Other municipalities across the province are also holding advanced polls Sunday, voters should check with their returning officer for more information.
CJAD 800 has Election Night coverage next Sunday, November 5th beginning at 8:00.