People taking public buses in Laval are being asked to get on and off at the back as a precaution in the wake of coronavirus. But the STM has vetoed a similar measure proposed by the union.
The Laval transit authority said it was okay with the idea from its bus drivers union to block access at the front so passengers would not be in close contact with drivers.
"The STL understands our drivers' concerns in terms of the one metre distance recommendation (between people)," said spokesperson Estelle Lacroix in an interview with CJAD 800.
Signs put up by drivers on Laval public buses now tell riders to board and exit at the back. The section where the driver sits is now cordoned off with yellow and red security tape.
"We will not ask for the retrieval of the signs (asking people to board by the back)," said Lacroix.
So no fares will be officially collected and they're counting on people's good faith.
"Health comes first - the money question will come after," said Lacroix.
The Montreal and the Longueuil transit authorities will not follow their Laval counterpart.
The STM told CJAD 800 that they are sensitive to their drivers' concerns but that their decisions are based on recommendations from public health and the government and that their current measures and cleaning schedules will do for now. They add that the risk of transmission in the public transit system is still low and their cleaning schedule has been ramped up.
As for drivers who are telling passengers to board by the back, the STM said they'll be meeting those drivers and reminding them it's not allowed.
Montreal mayor Valérie Plante said that she will be meeting with STM officials today to discuss any possible further measures, adding they do want to keep workers safe.
Shelley Solomon