Get ready to slow down as you pass through Côte-de-Neiges-N.D.G.
Starting August 1, the borough will be installing new speed limit signs on almost all of its roads, dropping the speed limit on the majority of them to 30 km/h.
The new speed cap signage will roll out in phases, starting August 1 to August 31 in Darlington, Côte-de-Neiges and Snowdon.
From September 1 to September 30 new signs will start popping up in N.D.G. and Loyola Districts.
The new limits will be:
30 KM/H
Some of the larger drops in speed will occur on Victoria and Fielding Aves. which will decrease from 50km/h to 30km/h. Grosvenor Ave. will also be lowered to 30km/h.
40 KM/H
50 KM/H
According to the SAAQ, if motorists reduced their speed by 10km/h on all Quebec roads there would be 120 fewer deaths each year.