Will Quebec's Education minister do something following the results of ethics investigation focusing on the chair of the Lester B Pearson school board?
Suanne Stein Day admits she's been found guilty of violating the ethics code, but won't resign.
She says she's staying put because she was elected to the job.
The investigator ruled she breached the code three times.
The provincial opposition now wants the minister to intervene.
"It's really important for us to respect the ethics code and if you broke the ethics code, you have to face consequences. It's the responsibility to the minister, Mr., (Sebastien), Proulx to take action", said CAQ Education critic Jean-Francois Roberge.
What did Stein Day do wrong?
It seems it's still not clear.
She was asked about the violations on the Aaron Rand show.
"Some administrators felt I was getting too involved in the day to day operations of the board, and that's not my role. That's their role", said Stein.
Rand then interrupted asking how that breaches the code of ethics.
"That is what he, (commissioner), said. This is one of the breaches. And that certainly breaches our code of ethics and some adminsitrators' stuff I was not respectful to them", added Stein Day.
A former board employee told CTV she was fired after criticizing Stein-Day, accusng her of being a bully, and that she's now challenging the dismissal.
Stein Day's critics insist she has to go.