Voters in Côte-St-Luc have two choices for mayor this time around in the upcoming municipal elections - the first, the incumbent and the second, a familiar name.
Mayor for the past 19 months and on council since 1990, Mitchell Brownstein said that thanks to a reduction of the debt and their contribution to the agglomeration,
"I do foresee no tax rate increase or a very small one for the upcoming year," said Brownstein in an interview with CJAD 800 News.
Mayor between 1998 and 2005, Robert Libman said he'd expand the tax base and reduce the overall tax burden by developing the CP rail yards as well as by cutting expenses.
"I talk about energy efficiency, I talk about our vehicle fleet, I talk about some of our infrastructure repairs and how to do it more efficiently," Libman told CJAD 800 News.
Both see eye-to-eye on finally seeing the Cavendish extension become reality though they diverge on when it comes to who's had the most clout to date and who will wield more of it in the future.
Libman said the city needs his experience and expertise now more than ever to move the project along.
"When I was there, we broke the 25-year impasse on the Cavendish extension," said Libman.
Brownstein said they should proceed with the current administration, steady as she goes.
"We've had more success during my mandate than in the last 40 years with the announcement that the Hippodrome -Blue Bonnets land has been ceded to Montreal with the condition that Cavendish will be extended," said Brownstein.
Voters got to the polls November 5.