Canada's plan to legalize recreational marijuana has landlords worried.
Montreal landlords were modifying leases to specifically ban smoking cannabis anywhere on their property prior to the federal government's introduction of the legislation, which allows people to grow plants at home.
The Quebec Association of Landlords, (APQ), warns Ottawa's plan marginalizes what's described as the "small communities" in apartment buildings.
Martin Messier said an increasing number of tenants are looking for smoke-free apartments, addng the odour of marijuana will be bother many.
The president of the APQ is also expressing concern about the danger that could come from people growing up to four marijuana plants in their home, pointing out that many landlords already have to deal with their property being destroyed by grow-ops, with poorly-rigged electrical installations, high humidity causing mold, and other issues.
Among other things, a poll of landlords conducted by CORPIQ, the landlords' corporation of Quebec, shows more than 4 in 5 landlords are worried or very worried police won't enforce laws about marijuana cultivation or use.
-With files from CTV News